General interests:
- movement of the workers
- function / history of the uniform
- how the uniform forms worker's body
- self-optimization methods
Research methods & sources:
- documentary films
- reportage
- personal interviews
- handbooks / researches
Key word >>> Temporality

- immigrant workers
- logistic workers
- start up workers
- workers for franchise companies

Interests and keywords:
- "Bodily capital" by Bourdieu
- character building in the repetitive movement
- class appropriation in fashion
Overseas, 2019
The young observant, 2019
Class Appropriation in fashion
“It’s tied into the office park, call center, big box store,” Luecke continued. “The more that [workers] have to turn over their personality, and their personal style, and their grooming, and put their kids in child care, to work these hours at these jobs—the more they have to give, over time—the less the corporations are giving back. It’s a very high-stakes exchange, interpersonally and identity-wise.”

American factory, 2019
Workers, 2013
We the workers, 2017
Meisner technique:
character building by repetition
“When you look at how [DHL] uniforms are designed, they look like the truck; they look like the boxes.”
Extract of behaviours

Related works
Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir’s
“WERK – Labor Move”, 2021
Project 1
Studio Blau
- Repetitive act
- Meister Method
- Character building
- Several angles
Project 2 (draft)
Gottesdienst im Ausland
- Performance as a priest
- Repetitive Training
- Aura of priest and holy
- What makes the "authentic" priest?